Monday, April 6, 2009

Winter landscape

Isn't it amazing that in a few months there will be flowers blooming here?


Beth said...

It can't come soon enough!

Looking forward to us browsing at nurseries! We should have a planting party!

Johnnny said...

I won't believe it (that flowers will be growing next to the car) until I see it (that we can actually get rid of all this snow once and for all). It is already officially Spring (and the robins are chirping) but it won't seem like it until Kit is going on a BloomCrawl with Beth to all the various flower shops (followed by a PubCrawl to all the local establishments). End of comment.

Kit said...

Yes, yes! Bloom crawl, Pub crawl, Planting Party...the whole shebang! That is, of course, after the snow melts into the river and then the river goes back down so we can drive around town without worrying about a dike breaking. Debbie Downer out.

Unknown said...

wow that's alot of snow!